GermAwayUV Wall Mountable UVC Air Purifier with HEPA Filter
Centurion High Occupancy 240 Watt Ultraviolet Air Sanitizer and Disinfection System
36 Watt HVAC UVC Air Purifier
Heavy Duty Dual Bulb 72 Watt HVAC UV Air Purifier
GermAwayUV High Occupancy 150 Watt Wall Mountable Air Purifier and Sanitizer
GermAwayUV HVAC Coil Scrubber
Ceiling Mount UVC Air Sanitizer
95 watt HVAC UVC Unit
GermAwayUV 600 CFM Knight UV Air Scrubber
GermAway Large Room HEPA Filter
GermAway Large Room Activated Carbon Filter
Filter Set for Large Wall Mount Air Purifier